Human Scentered Design

I had a blast at VriThink's Night Out 2023

Written by Miles Guy Cantley | January 3, 2024 6:41:10 AM Z

I had a golden opportunity to speak at VriThink's Night Out 2023, courtesy of Bart and Marnix at Vripack.

Patrick Coote did a superb job of MC'ing the proceedings, and I wish his introduction was also on the video!

I recommend the other speeches too, in particular Gordon Kay's starter for the night, which was a great lead-in.

Here's the full video of my speech, presenting the concepts behind why fragrance gets missed out in luxury interior design, and a new way to deliver it intelligently.


I'll be doing some separate social media around the key concepts presented here, because this speech was a very compressed one devoted to the Pecha Kucha format, (which Vripack always use at these events), so check out that too.

Finally here is the slides I used with my notes for clarity. You can download the whole powerpoint by clicking on the first slide.

Last of all you can book you own dedicated presentation to cover this material in more depth, with fragrance samples to enjoy, here.